2009年9月18日 星期五




簡單來說,就是樂高公司在替產品定價時,可不是學Apple公司,美國定價多少,台灣就賣多少,幾乎沒什麼差價(換句話說,跑單幫的實在是沒辦法從中賺錢)。他們很謹慎地觀察各國市場狀況,來決定當地該賣什麼價格。而且他們也不學IKEA,如果產品賣得好,就會想辦法將產品降價...LEGO 是LEGO,不是 Apple,也不是 IKEA。

說一句實話,就是越多人買,LEGO 的定價只會越來越高。這好像不應該是樂高大使該說的話(Suppose我


okay guys, while I understand things being expensive is frustrating, there is a very hard reality that you guys need to understand. When setting prices in various countries it is doen based on the entire market in that country for EVERY product from EVERY company. The pricing is set when a team of people look at everything in a country and decide that this is a fair price for us to charge in this country where we're able to make the proper margin on our products (which are very expensive to make mind you). Its for this reason why every country has different pricing.


If Hasbro is going to charge $30 for a product they charge $20 in the US, and $25 in Canada. If a dishwasher is $100 more expensive in Great Britain than it is in Germany. These trends don't generally limit themselves to just one brand or one type of product. The entire market of a country is set at certain levels and within these levels we set our prices accordingly to fit into what we're able to fairly charge in that country when compared to every other company out there. This is why 'Cost of Living' is higher or lower depending on what country you're from.


This is just the reality of global economics and its not something that is going to change, and honestly its not really as unfair as you guys think it is, its just the way it is. Its also an argument I'm NEVER going to win with fans, and I can't blame fans for not liking it.


When I was at BrickWorld doing my Q&A one of the questions I got was "why doesn't LEGO clearance products anymore?" my answer was "because you only clearance products that aren't selling and we're having no problem selling our products." Later this same person complained that they can't afford LEGO unless its on clearance. The hard answer there becomes that LEGO is a Premium product no matter where you are and its also expensive everywhere.

當我參加 BrickWorld 的「問與答」活動時,有一個傢伙問我「為什麼樂高現在都不再出清產品了?」我的答案是:「你只有在賣不掉商品時,才會來清倉特賣。而我們目前在銷售上,可是一點狀況也沒有。」稍後,同一個人,再度向我抱怨,除非有清倉特賣,不然他買不起樂高的產品。最後只能說:樂高作為一個領導性的品牌,其實不管你在哪裡,它都是一樣昂貴的。

Prices will go up or down based on how well LEGO sells. If we're selling LEGO based on the market in a country and we're having no problem selling the product, it would be foolish to lower our prices. in many countries if we ever lowered our prices we wouldn't get any value from doing business in that country and would start losing money. this is where different import taxes, regulations, etc. come into play.


Someone commented that we're slow to answer this question, its mostly because its the toughest question to answer because I know no matter how I answer it, you're not going to like.


Anyways, here you are and I'm happy to follow up on this.



