What are the rules for the LEGO LUGBULK Program?
- Only active elements (no Q elements and no licensed elements) can be purchased
- The minimum order per LUG and round is 5000 DKK
- The average amount per member to purchase is max. 500 DKK
- The minimum order qty. per element is 50 pcs. and increase in 50 pcs. steps (except building plates (can be ordered by piece) – there are no other exceptions!)
- The maximum amount of different elements per order is 50
- Every registered LUG can order up to 2 times a year if they react in the timetable (see dates above)
- The orders will be taken in between February and September each year – the order dates and other submission dates will be agreed with Jan Beyer in the order of the arrival of the applications.
- Payment terms are 15 days after Invoice Date by bank transfer and in DKK/EUR/USD without any costs for the LEGO Group
- The lead time per order is up to 3 month
- It is not allowed to resell the bought elements – there will be a penalty for the LUG if a member is reselling the elements.
- The shipping costs and possible taxes/custom clearings are not included – shipping will always happen through DHL and the goods cannot be picked up in Billund.
- Costs for shipping are 5% of the order amount
- Only one defined member of each LUG can place the order and will get the order shipped
- AFOLs can only order in one LUG and not order in several LUGs even if they are member of more than one LUG.
The order need to be submitted in the LEGO LUGBULK Order Form which will be send out later to the registered LUGs.
How is the process?
1. The LUG submit the email with the info regarding the requirements and the complete filled in LEGO LUGBULK Master Data Sheet before the 31st of January (first round) or 16th of May (second round).
2. After that the for ordering defined contact persons of the registered LUGs (LUGs that fulfill the requirements) will receive a mail from Jan Beyer with the LEGO LUGBULK Order Form and the LEGO LUGBULK Member Data Form so they can submit the needed Member information and the wish list according to the in that mail set date. The contact person is responsible for the order and payment in the timeframe for this specific LUG
3. After Jan Beyer has received the wish list (max. 80 elements) in time it will be proceeded and send back to the LUG contact person with prices and information (if elements cannot be delivered and so on).
4. The contact person must then get the final order list down to the allowed 50 elements and adjust the order amount so it fit to the max order amount of the LUG (member figure multiplied by registered members – min. 5000 DKK) and send it back to Jan Beyer in time.
5. Jan Beyer proceeds the order to the warehouse and get a final status of the order. First after final status from the warehouse the order is done and agreed and the 3 month lead time start.
6. When the order is ready it gets shipped with DHL to the shipping address according to the LEGO LUGBULK Master Data Sheet
7. Jan Beyer is sending the invoice separate to the billing address according to the LEGO LUGBULK Master Data Sheet.